Newsletter Q1-2022
Dear Sir or Madam,
This year, too, we will publish our newsletter every three months.
Kind regards Executive Board
Board meetings
The meetings were held on 26 January and 7 March.
Recommendation for actions
In 2021, federal elections took place and a new government was formed. There is still no reliable data on the number of Kurds living in Germany. This gives rise to numerous connotations and challenges, particularly in the areas of education, domestic and foreign policy. With these recommendations for action, we would like to take up the essential aspects and formulate corresponding approaches to solutions. In order to set a comprehensive framework, but also based on specific expertise, we have held numerous discussions with various organisations, including the Association of Parents from Kurdistan Yekmal e.V..
Series of events “EmPOWERing ANTI-racism – racism, radicalisation and corresponding prevention and countermeasures”.
With a year-round series of events, we will focus intensively on the issues of racism and radicalisation as well as prevention and countermeasures. The detailed programme for the first half of the year can be found on our homepage.
Symposium NRW
This year’s NRW symposium entitled ‘Diversity in Germany: Racism as a central challenge’ in cooperation with the Volkshochschule Köln and with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the Kurdish Centre for Public Relations Civaka Azad e.V. marked the start of our series of events on racism and radicalisation as well as corresponding prevention and countermeasures.
Conference Gender Studies meets Jîneolojî II
In cooperation with the Marie Jahoda Center for International Gender Studies of the Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer we organised the second international conference ‘Gender Studies meets Jineolojî’ on 18.02.22.
Panel debate about the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Our network has so far mainly focused on Northern Kurdistan and Rojava. South and East Kurdistan were at best addressed in this context. We must and want to change this. The panel discussion ‘Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities in Politics, Economy and Society’ was the prelude to this. The event was recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Conference Mother Tongue and Multilingualism
This year’s conference took place in cooperation with the psycholinguistic laboratories of the Technical University of Dortmund. While the first part dealt with multilingualism in the context of cognition, perception and child language acquisition, the second part focused on the Kurdish language.
Instagram Talk
On 27 February we started a new format: Tea Time with the Kurd-Akad Community. We will hold regular Instagram Live Talks and discuss together with our guests from politics, science & culture. Berivan Aymaz, member of the state parliament of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, was our first guest. The conversation is available on Instagram.
Lausanne Conference
On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, we will again hold an online conference in cooperation with Kurd-Akad Switzerland and Great Britain. We are pleased that Prof. Dr. Hans-Lukas Kieser and Prof. Dr. Hamit Bozarslan as experts joined the scientific advisory board.