
About Kurd-Akad
While during the sixties and seventies hundreds of thousands Kurds came to Europe as labour migrants, in the eighties and nineties they came as political and economic refugees. Children of this generation of migrants attend since the eighties in small number and since the nineties in high number the European universities. In addition came thousands for studying in Europe. Since the nineties the number of Kurdish students increases constantly. Meanwhile we have about 10000 Kurdish students in West-Middle and North Europe.
Even if only a small part of them worked in a voluntary capacity or were active in a political organization / structure, it is seen nevertheless relative more highly as with Germans or other peoples. That is because of the sensibility of these humans which is a result of the politicisations through permanent repression and discrimination both in Kurdistan and in some sort in Europe.
Today in Europe live many thousands Kurds which finish there degrees. The spectrum of branch of studies is wide, whereby some were preferred enhanced. These persons are now working in different parts of social and economic live of Europe. Many of them have by now acquired large experiences. Here this is a growing potential and varied resource within the Kurdish community.
The idea is to connect this people so that they can make a contribution to the social, economic, cultural and political developments of the Kurdish community in Europe. A commitment of these people would reinforce the Kurdish community through an advanced dimension.
Despite a certain sensitisation of academics or graduates too few of them make a scientific contribution to social problems or take part in activities and projects of Kurdish institutions or other social European problems. The work of the Kurdish community needs more people with different qualities and skills to which Kurdish academics or graduates belong.
Dear interested parties,
Below you will find the proposals for our self conception and our aims, which are result of long discussions. Please see it as a basis for discussions. We will be pleased about suggestions, additions or criticism.
General principal / self conception
Ideally base:
– The interest and support of Kurdish people in Europe and Kurdistan is common to all
– Education is a high property and capital of Kurdish community and important requirement for improvement of their political and social situation
The network of Kurdish academics unifies Kurdish people which have a university degree
– All people who are closed to Kurdish people can become a member of the network, also those who are not Kurdish themselves.
– There is the possibility of passive membership to support the network financially without expecting an influence.
– lobbying on European and German level
– Pooling and conscious assignment of the educational recourses within the Kurdish community
– Encouraging the scientific analysis with Kurdish issues
– Supporting people in Kurdistan
– Expansion of educational potential within the Kurdish community (e.g. increase of educational achievements)