The new order in the Middle East: conflict constellations, hegemonic endeavours and solution perspectives The Middle East at a turning point: threats and optionsProf. Hamit Bozarslan, EHESS, France Syria: between

‘Hub Kurdistan Region of Iraq – Global Influences, Regional Conflicts and Future Prospects’. 16.04.2024 / 7 pm CET /ZoomLanguage: English Registration is requested by 13.04.2024 via

Conference Gender Studies meets Jineolojî II – Nature, Body and Gender: Re-Actualizations 18.02.202210 am – 6 pm (CET)(Zoom)There will be German – English simultaneous translation. Programme Welcome:Dersim Dagdeviren, Co-Chair of

Diversity in Germany: Racism as a central challenge 29.01.20221-5 p.m.ZoomLanguage: German Registration via until 27 January 2022. Organisation: Kurd-Akad & Volkshochschule CologneSupport: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation & Civaka Azad TopicThe