Em xwe çawa dibînin Wekî Komeleya Qeydkirî ya Tora Akademîsyenên Kurd a sala 2009’an hatä damezrandin, armanca me ya dayîzanîn e ku em perwendeyên zanîngehan û akademîsyenan bigihînin hev di

Statute of the Association „Network of Kurdish Professionals“ Chapter 1: Name, Area and Fiscal Year(1) The association operates under the name „Network of Kurdish Professionals“ (Tora Akademîsyenên Kurd), using the abbreviation

Workgroups Our work bases on workgroups which are oriented topical or subject linked. The workgroups held regularly meetings and report the board about their work. They publishe their work through

About Kurd-Akad While during the sixties and seventies hundreds of thousands Kurds came to Europe as labour migrants, in the eighties and nineties they came as political and economic refugees. Children